Monday, August 10, 2009

Granville Island

This post is out of order, but what-ev-ver. On Friday I went to Granville Island, which is basically a neighbourhood mini-island under a bridge in downtown Van. Boys would hate it there, except for the brewery. Girls would love it. I know because I'm a girl. I wish I'd had other girls there to enjoy it with, but I went alone. Basically, it's kind of St. Andrew's-esque: pretty tourist-trappy but colourful and fun and near water. There's a fantastic market there. If I didn't know I was leaving in a couple of days, I would have gone bananas purchasing craploads of fresh fruit, veggies, homemade pasta and baked goods. There were buskers everywhere, lots of arsty-craftsy stuff and a whole market devoted entirely to kids stuff. That place was ridick. Very screamy and sticky and cotton-candy-y. I only took three pictures on Granville Island, but I think they're pretty good ones. Check it, y'all!

Busker-Man playing some bluesy slide-guitar stuff in the Market

Ginormous plushies of the 2010 Olympic mascots. The black and white one is Miga (the whale-bear), the fox-looking guy with the green hat and wings is Sumi (the spirit bird or some such thing) and the big furry guy in the middle is Quatchi (yep, Sasquatch. As in, he's feeling a little Sas-Quatchi). The little beaver guy with the hat is Muk Muk, but as far as I can tell, he's only a quasi-mascot. You wouldn't believe how reasonable the prices for these guys are. Quatchi only costs your left leg and your first born child.

Yes. Yes I have.

Exciting Adventure Day

Today I travelled all the way from New West to Galiano Island and back without getting lost even once. Considering the genetically bad sense of direction in my family, I think that's pretty darn good. The most exciting thing about today was that I got to meet my West-Coast Grandma (my dad's mom), whom I have never met before. She's awesome! She's totally got some wicked bad-itude. And she and I have extremely similar interests. Like, creepily similar, considering I've never met her or even talked to her before. Jane Austen, military history, the blues and a dislike for jazz are just a few of the things we have in common. Once I got to Galiano, I figured I could get some sort of shuttle or taxi to her house. However, it turns out that such things are scarce on an island with a population of less than 1000. I asked a lady who was getting into her car if she could drive me towards Montague Harbour, a place where I knew I could rent a moped. She was more than happy to take me as far as she was going. Or, she would have been, if I hadn't told her why I was there. When I said I was going to meet my Grandma for the first time, she asked me what her name was. When I told her, she said, "Oh my goodness, I know Jane, she lives right around here, I'll take you to her place!" And that is exactly what she did. All I know about this lady is that her name is Deb, so I'd like to shout-out a Thank You to Galiano Deb for helping me find my grandma. It turns out that Grandma is a wicked cook too - we had ridiculous good ratatouille with shirmp pastries. I had to catch a ferry back to Tsawwassen (good luck pronouncing that - here's a hint: One S, one A and one W are all silent!) around 9:30. Grandma can't drive, so she asked her friend Jean to take me down to the ferry. Jean did so with great cheer. She seems like a very friendly lady. So I'd like to give another shout-out to Galiano Jean - thanks Jean! I've gotta say, the people who live on that island seem like a good sort. I wish that I had had more time to explore Galiano, but I've got places to do, people to go and things to see. But I guess the long and short of this story is that I finally met my grandma today and she seems pretty remarkable. Holla, West-Coast Grandma!

Heck, while I'm at it, Holla East-Coast Grandma too!

A ferry that I wasn't on

Part of the deck of the ferry that I was on with another ferry I wasn't on in the background

Me an' West-Coast Grandma!!!! (This picture makes me look like I've grown a lot in every direction. Please cut me some slack by disregarding what your eyes tell you here. Grandma's really cute, though!)

Saturday, August 8, 2009

In Other News...

So that Japa Dog? It was delicious at the time. But it turns out I wasn't quite man enough to handle it. In fact, it almost killed me.


But now I'm back.

And I'm angry.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Well, I suppose I'll be heading back to SJNB soon. But there's always time for another post. Here are some photos of myself and some of my friends having fun around Vancouver:


About 1/2 of my personal narrative class at 57 Below on our last night of class

Albert and Rebecca karaokeing

Helen and Albert rock the mike like vandals



Julia, Mickie and 3/4 of Nikki - Fiction Girls!


Josh and Alea (and unborn fetus) in front of whatever stadium it is where the Canucks play

Thursday, July 30, 2009

I've Lost Track of the Days and Am too Lazy to Count - Joel Plaskett Concert!!!!

Joel Plaskett. Surrey Fusion Fest. July 18. I got video of "Work Out Fine" and "Sailor's Eyes" but the quality sucks so I probably won't post them. It's a shame because the actual performance was so phenomenal. And funny. This guy knows how to put on a show. I could go on forever about this show, but it's late and I'd just be saying stuff that everyone already knows. So I'll just leave it at this: Joel Plaskett - Yes.

Here are some of the photos that actually turned out. Kind of.:

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Day 46 - The Never-Ending Stamp Story (Part III)

Part 3 of 3

The saga finally ends!

Day 46 - The Never-Ending Stamp Story (Part II)

Part 2 of 3

Day 46 - The Never-Ending Stamp Story (Part I)

Alrighty then! I made this video on June 12th. It was supposed to come before the Father's Day Run video but I had trouble uploading it so it didn't. So now it's here. So there.

Part 1 of 3

Father's Day Run Website

Here's the promised link to my page for the Father's Day Run. Money please!

Thanks y'all!

Day 45 - Post Script

So, for anyone who watched the video right before this, don't worry, I've cut sugar out of my diet. (And I'm trying to cut back on the LSD...). I tried to post another video before that one, but I couldn't get it to upload. It may have been a tad to long. Not that it's like me to talk a lot or anything. I'm going to try to cut it into 2 parts and see if I can upload it in exciting "to be continued" format. But in case I can't do that, here's the basic outline of what it's about:
- I handed in a new story. Pretty happy with it.
- Shout-outs to Bexxx and Chazzie for B-days!!!!
- Loooooonngggg story about my issues with postage stamps. Silly voices included.
- Love to everyone, as always.

That's it for now.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Day 15 - Super Exciting Event Last Night!!!

Oh em gee, you'll never guess what's coming... Well, maybe you will, but it will still be fun.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Warehouse One

Here's a link to my store, just in case you want to check out some sweet fashions:

Day 12 - Get Money, Get Paid

Exciting news from Mickie and Stacey!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Funny and Interesting

I know I've put up a ton of photos today, but if I don't do it all at once, it won't get done. Here are some quirky and funny photos I thought you might like.

Does anyone remember this show? This is what kept me company in the hotel. Classic and classy.

Sinbad seems very upset. He was fighting reanimated skeletons raised by an evil sorceress at the time.

It's true! That really is the World's Largest Tin Soldier!
I thought Margaret especially would appreciate this.

I ain't afraid of no UPS! I'll get you yet! Look at the anger in my eyes!

New West Photos

Here are some shots from the pretty city.

Yeah, that's a mountain in the background.

Hotel Photos

I also wanted to show you photos of the hotel that I stayed in before I found my apartment. It was historical and swanky. The first two photos are from the window of my hotel bedroom. The lit up tunnel-thing in the middle of the first one is the Skytrain station.

Apartment Photos

Hey everyone! I promised photos of my apartment several days ago. Here they are - finally!



Bedroom! (Before I moved in, because it's clean)


Living Room! (Yeah, that's a fireplace. Yeah, it works.)

Day 10 - A Little Bit of Exciting News (I may not be so poor anymore!)

It's a beautiful Saturday! I think the good weather is a good omen! If you were here, this day would be perfect!

I just realized that I look so sad in the first frame of this video! Spoiler alert!: I'm not really sad!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Day 6 - It's Rainin' Men! And By 'Men', I Mean 'Rain'. Sorry to Get Your Hopes Up.

More exciting tidbits about my mundane activities!

I look like I'm looking at something really disgusting. Maybe I am...YOU! Haha, buuurrrn!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Day 4 - A Place to Live, A Place to Grow, Ontari-ari-ari-BritishColumbia

Here I am again! This one's just as long and twice as boring!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Day 1 - Long Day Makes for Long Video (and I seem less mentally sound than usual)

I apologize in advance for this.

I bet that this video seems eerily familiar to anyone who's ever gotten an answering machine message from me...