Monday, August 10, 2009

Granville Island

This post is out of order, but what-ev-ver. On Friday I went to Granville Island, which is basically a neighbourhood mini-island under a bridge in downtown Van. Boys would hate it there, except for the brewery. Girls would love it. I know because I'm a girl. I wish I'd had other girls there to enjoy it with, but I went alone. Basically, it's kind of St. Andrew's-esque: pretty tourist-trappy but colourful and fun and near water. There's a fantastic market there. If I didn't know I was leaving in a couple of days, I would have gone bananas purchasing craploads of fresh fruit, veggies, homemade pasta and baked goods. There were buskers everywhere, lots of arsty-craftsy stuff and a whole market devoted entirely to kids stuff. That place was ridick. Very screamy and sticky and cotton-candy-y. I only took three pictures on Granville Island, but I think they're pretty good ones. Check it, y'all!

Busker-Man playing some bluesy slide-guitar stuff in the Market

Ginormous plushies of the 2010 Olympic mascots. The black and white one is Miga (the whale-bear), the fox-looking guy with the green hat and wings is Sumi (the spirit bird or some such thing) and the big furry guy in the middle is Quatchi (yep, Sasquatch. As in, he's feeling a little Sas-Quatchi). The little beaver guy with the hat is Muk Muk, but as far as I can tell, he's only a quasi-mascot. You wouldn't believe how reasonable the prices for these guys are. Quatchi only costs your left leg and your first born child.

Yes. Yes I have.

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