Saturday, May 9, 2009

Day 10 - A Little Bit of Exciting News (I may not be so poor anymore!)

It's a beautiful Saturday! I think the good weather is a good omen! If you were here, this day would be perfect!

I just realized that I look so sad in the first frame of this video! Spoiler alert!: I'm not really sad!

1 comment:

  1. I always assume that clothing stores are never hiring. In fact, I'm fairly certain that American Eagle just orders their employees online.

    I got really desperate for employment this weekend and applied at the Garage, just because they had an online application and it would physically pain me to apply in person. I haven't actually purchased anything from the Garage (actually, that's a lie, but it's been a really long time) but I figure it would beat working fast food.

    Now, I find the Garage to be kind of sketchy, mostly because I think it's actually a rave and not a store at all. But I feel like if they called me in for an interview I'd have to dress up in rave clothing and bring a blow-up palm tree or something...because they have those in their store...for some reason. I'm also guessing they'll probably want me to tan so I can stand beside the palm tree.

    I'm not sure how this is relevant to your video but I hope you have enjoyed it nonetheless!

