Sunday, June 14, 2009

Day 45 - Post Script

So, for anyone who watched the video right before this, don't worry, I've cut sugar out of my diet. (And I'm trying to cut back on the LSD...). I tried to post another video before that one, but I couldn't get it to upload. It may have been a tad to long. Not that it's like me to talk a lot or anything. I'm going to try to cut it into 2 parts and see if I can upload it in exciting "to be continued" format. But in case I can't do that, here's the basic outline of what it's about:
- I handed in a new story. Pretty happy with it.
- Shout-outs to Bexxx and Chazzie for B-days!!!!
- Loooooonngggg story about my issues with postage stamps. Silly voices included.
- Love to everyone, as always.

That's it for now.

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