Thursday, May 14, 2009

Day 15 - Super Exciting Event Last Night!!!

Oh em gee, you'll never guess what's coming... Well, maybe you will, but it will still be fun.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Warehouse One

Here's a link to my store, just in case you want to check out some sweet fashions:

Day 12 - Get Money, Get Paid

Exciting news from Mickie and Stacey!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Funny and Interesting

I know I've put up a ton of photos today, but if I don't do it all at once, it won't get done. Here are some quirky and funny photos I thought you might like.

Does anyone remember this show? This is what kept me company in the hotel. Classic and classy.

Sinbad seems very upset. He was fighting reanimated skeletons raised by an evil sorceress at the time.

It's true! That really is the World's Largest Tin Soldier!
I thought Margaret especially would appreciate this.

I ain't afraid of no UPS! I'll get you yet! Look at the anger in my eyes!

New West Photos

Here are some shots from the pretty city.

Yeah, that's a mountain in the background.

Hotel Photos

I also wanted to show you photos of the hotel that I stayed in before I found my apartment. It was historical and swanky. The first two photos are from the window of my hotel bedroom. The lit up tunnel-thing in the middle of the first one is the Skytrain station.

Apartment Photos

Hey everyone! I promised photos of my apartment several days ago. Here they are - finally!



Bedroom! (Before I moved in, because it's clean)


Living Room! (Yeah, that's a fireplace. Yeah, it works.)

Day 10 - A Little Bit of Exciting News (I may not be so poor anymore!)

It's a beautiful Saturday! I think the good weather is a good omen! If you were here, this day would be perfect!

I just realized that I look so sad in the first frame of this video! Spoiler alert!: I'm not really sad!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Day 6 - It's Rainin' Men! And By 'Men', I Mean 'Rain'. Sorry to Get Your Hopes Up.

More exciting tidbits about my mundane activities!

I look like I'm looking at something really disgusting. Maybe I am...YOU! Haha, buuurrrn!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Day 4 - A Place to Live, A Place to Grow, Ontari-ari-ari-BritishColumbia

Here I am again! This one's just as long and twice as boring!