Today I travelled all the way from New West to Galiano Island and back without getting lost even once. Considering the genetically bad sense of direction in my family, I think that's pretty darn good. The most exciting thing about today was that I got to meet my West-Coast Grandma (my dad's mom), whom I have never met before. She's awesome! She's totally got some wicked bad-itude. And she and I have extremely similar interests. Like, creepily similar, considering I've never met her or even talked to her before. Jane Austen, military history, the blues and a dislike for jazz are just a few of the things we have in common. Once I got to Galiano, I figured I could get some sort of shuttle or taxi to her house. However, it turns out that such things are scarce on an island with a population of less than 1000. I asked a lady who was getting into her car if she could drive me towards Montague Harbour, a place where I knew I could rent a moped. She was more than happy to take me as far as she was going. Or, she would have been, if I hadn't told her why I was there. When I said I was going to meet my Grandma for the first time, she asked me what her name was. When I told her, she said, "Oh my goodness, I know Jane, she lives right around here, I'll take you to her place!" And that is exactly what she did. All I know about this lady is that her name is Deb, so I'd like to shout-out a Thank You to Galiano Deb for helping me find my grandma. It turns out that Grandma is a wicked cook too - we had ridiculous good ratatouille with shirmp pastries. I had to catch a ferry back to Tsawwassen (good luck pronouncing that - here's a hint: One S, one A and one W are all silent!) around 9:30. Grandma can't drive, so she asked her friend Jean to take me down to the ferry. Jean did so with great cheer. She seems like a very friendly lady. So I'd like to give another shout-out to Galiano Jean - thanks Jean! I've gotta say, the people who live on that island seem like a good sort. I wish that I had had more time to explore Galiano, but I've got places to do, people to go and things to see. But I guess the long and short of this story is that I finally met my grandma today and she seems pretty remarkable. Holla, West-Coast Grandma!
Heck, while I'm at it, Holla East-Coast Grandma too!A ferry that I wasn't on
Part of the deck of the ferry that I was on with another ferry I wasn't on in the background

Me an' West-Coast Grandma!!!! (This picture makes me look like I've grown a lot in every direction. Please cut me some slack by disregarding what your eyes tell you here. Grandma's really cute, though!)